Friday, April 27, 2012


Day 6

Today I switched mentors to 'RM' and what I did today was different from my the following day.
Today I was given the task of measuring the whole office space and count all
the sockets and in the office(for the lighting exhibition coming on soon) and do a free
hand drawing and an elevation
(I will put this out there but I'm NO artists the pics might hurt the eyes, it was rough)

and then to draw it on Cad..:)
Well Ill tell you a lil secrete I was bout to start drawing and since
I just downloaded cad on my laptop I'm yet to get the hang of all the keys,
I went down to 'D' and he was like you want to draw that and I said yes and he
was like he has the copy as he was the one that printed it out for me so that
saved me time from drawing the whole plan all over again, but I have the dimension if the plan so i can draw it on my own free time:).
Nywhoo I have to indicate on the floor plan where the sockets are and then have to sit down with
'RM' and allocate spaces for the light designers.
so that what I did for the whole of today..


Facebook:Who Says Black Ain't Pretty
Twitter: OlayemiAO
Personal Facebook: Olayemi Alaba

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Day 5

Today was so not my day :(
First thing to go wrong was my rushing to leave the house and forgetting my jacket
and I was carrying 30*60 sample ceramic tile to take back to
home base as to that was the last day to get my refund back
(and girl gat to get the money back :D and what am I to do with one piece of tile?)
so in the rain I journey to santry so imagine the weight on me it was crazy and the
wind and rain I was miserable for a while and the started talking
and singing to my self even with music playing in my ear
(I found that a little creepy my self), not that there wasn't any home-base
by me there was!! but I was told because they don't sell sample tiles
they can not refund me so I had to journey quite a bit to
where I purchased it.......sigh
Any-who I was freezing by the time I got to work
all I wanted to do was warm up and some green tea.
Was so happy when I granted my own
and I settled down to work and I think I haven't
drank the amount of tea I had today in a long time..
And close to closing time una burke(
check her out...
And my journey continue on in the rain....


19 April -24 April

Day 1- 19/04/2012

Started my work experience today.. First task was to go to the National Museum of Ireland and to have at the shape 
of an idea that I am to work on.
From there I went into work was shown around, 
said hello and introduced to every one after all that I was shown 
to my work space (Yep I got my own table :D).
I and my Mentor talked about what I went to the museum for
and we built an idea of the design and concept he had in mind, enjoyed that session.
So I was left on my own to do ma tang, but guess what for a sec I felt out of my depth.
Why ? 
I just left a place where instructions where give and I'm in a place where you have
work with your own devices, but I soon got the hang of it.
And the best thing of it all I'm surrounded by people who can help me
so I think I'm going to be just fine..

Day 2 - 20/04/2012

End of the week / Second day settling in, not bad. 
Got in and first thing was I went over to my mentor to discuss some ideas
I had to decorate the room as he had a meeting to go to earlier on. 
He was happy overall and we talked some more on ideas 
and how to bring them to reality and if they are going to be workable.
Some few mins later I went over to the architectural side of the building 
as I have a desk waiting for me with auto cad installed and internet and
I meet the guys over in that building (initials 'D' 'G').
For the duration of the day I was doing a whole lot of research regarding the 'Pod'.
So Monday comes cant wait to see what awaits Me...

Day 3 - 23/04/2012


Typical Irish weather was bright and sunny and all of a sudden the showers started 
cold(sleep in weather :D)
Meet a new lady today 'D' and she is going to be showing me the ropes of Sketch up
very cool software. It was pretty ok but I had to wrap me heard around how to use
the keys with the videos as well, so for the whole day I got into that. I couldn't master 
the drawing and was hard for me to get it done which resulted in a migraine...:(.. at a point 
I just had to minimise it and let my head chill.
When I got home I downloaded Sketch Up and auto cad for students(free version). 
I also practised on my 3d drawing till the past one in the am and I got hang of it a bit
and then decided to go to bed there and then :)
That's it for my day today, short and to the point

Day 4 - 24/04/2012 

Today was a bright and sunny day and I dressed up for the occasion 'the Sun'...LOL
I brought my laptop in today since I had downloaded the programs on it, I taught 
to myself 'why not bring it in' I also worked some more on the drawing which 
I had done in the morning. When I taught I had finally mastered the shape of the 'pod' 
free handed and not to scale it was now time to talk to the person in charge of fabrics 
and wall coverings. He came over and asked a series questions and i was like 'OMG'
:| like seriously I felt I was on the spot so I had to go back to the drawing board :(
oh well
That's it for the today...
hope that wasn't to boring

Day to day

Centre lighting at my work place

In the next following weeks of my work experience I have decided to write share my day to day experience on my blog here and I hope to get in come few shots of things related or random..:)

I started my work experience on the 19 of April and I'm behind on the post
but every thing was written on each day but I didn't post so I'm going to do the catch up of the last for days in one post and for today in a separate post, that's a whole lot of typing...(that what I get for slacking...haha..oh well) so because of this I'm going to be picking out the high-light of my day :)
so I hope you all stay tuned and enjoy leave comments
and don't forget to follow me on
twitter: @oluwatosin2
facebook: tosin alaba
youtube: skendles

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gospel Concert

Hello Y'all,

If you Guys follow me on twitter @oluwatosin2 you would notice me posting pics and tweets about a gospel concert.
Well I can say it was a great success. I was truly blessed and here is a video wit pics included
hope you enjoy and you are blessed with the few clips I have recorded.




Hi Y'all,
I know I have been incognito due to college work but I'm on hols staring on Friday, well not reli I don't have to go back to classes since work experience starts on Monday for 4weeks
I secured a place called 'The Malt House' very quirky place. where a different companies ie: Architectural, Interior Design.
This is their definition of the whole environment: At the Malthouse Design Centre we are offering fully fitted studio space, with backup workshop space and stores to newly establishing and small scale existing furniture and product designers. This is structured space with collective support of the all the designers involved with ongoing mentoring from Greg Tisdall & Arthur Duff who each have over 20 years experience in the design and furniture industry.

I'm looking forward to working with this group of people starting Monday and will keep you posted....

To be updated or want to get to me:
Twitter: @oluwatosin2
Facebook: Tosin alaba

What have you all been up too?

